The bachelor’s kitchen Guide 101- Nachos Twist:

I know, you haven’t told your parents that you drink, or maybe your parents are really cool. Moreover, bachelor's pad without drinks is like a whisky peg without three cubes of ice (couldn’t come up with a better analogy). So, won’t tell you to not to drink that but surely will say drink responsibly.

Now, with the drink, it’s always a question what to have something with it? A fish fingers, fried chicken or if you are vegetarian then maybe French fries or a pack of lays with tobacco sauce or cheese dip. But that’s too oily and hence unfit to support a cold beer pint or a glass of your favourite whisky (I still don’t get why people enjoying a glass of wine always have a plate of assorted cheese sticks beside the glass).

Today, I will give you a nice recipe which can actually increase the quotient of your drinking will surely tantalise your taste buds. This is something I tried making once and taste amazing and hence named it ‘Nachos Twist’.

The following ingredients are required for this:
  1. A big packet of corn nachos
  2. A big white onion (That’s just to uptown go for any who cares)
  3. A big nice juicy red tomato
  4. Once organic cucumber (Hell it tastes better than a normal one, but, still who cares)
  5. An apple (For keeping the doctor away)
  6. A nice juicy lemon
  7. Oregano
  8. Salt and pepper
  9. Molten Cheddar cheese (You can get a bottle from any gourmet shop nearby)
  10. Molten Mozzarella Cheese (Refer to the same gourmet shop)
  11. A big plate for your big appetite
  12. Fresh coriander leaves (Basil leaves will do the charm)

Steps are pretty simple:
  1. Finely chop all the vegetables and fruits in a bowl and keep it aside after mixing so that they can adapt to each other
  2. Now open the big packets of corn nachos and make a nice mountain of each piece (Show some creativity people)
  3. Now Put all the salsa which you created on the nachos (Don’t mix will make your nachos soggy) and some salt and pepper to taste
  4. Squeeze half a lemon on it or one depending upon the serving (Don’t make it too sour for your taste)
  5. Now the messy job and the one which I like the most; squeeze the cheese bottle and paint your mountain with cheese as much as you like (I personally like a lot, but then take care of your abs)
  6. Finely chop some leaves of coriander/ basil with their stems and garnish your plate (the mountain looks great with a tinge of greenery on top, isn’t it?)
  7. Serve at room temperature with cold beer and whisky on the rocks (or however you like it)

The prep time is just 5 minutes (Though it depends on your chopping speed’ mine is really good now, after all the cooking I have in last 6 odd months) and will surely cost you less as compared to the food you get from outside, plus it's healthy, plus the money saved can be used on one more bottle people.

Keep coming back on the blog to #DiscoverNewInYou, till then Cheers!


  1. Bro,let me rephrase what the master taster at sula wines told me during my recent visit - wines have tannic acid(like i didn't know!!) and they should be treated just as black tea.Now,to make black tea more,umm,drinkable(that acrid taste...ehhh) you add some fat to it(cream or milk is just fat colloids). Same goes for wine.That is the story behind your assorted cheese strips..

    1. Brother, the science behind wine making is something each engineer would know bu the assorted cheese strips you have talked about makes me hungry right now. :P
      Anyway, thanks for reading and sparing some time from your busy schedule.


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