The attributive attitude : Part 3


You have to pay price for “rich” dinner and “heavy” breakfast, who so ever you are. I was not the exception, seeing my belly peeping out from my T-shirt, having a tag line-
            JFor balanced diet I prefer beer in both handsJ,

Education is a must!
I decided that from the next cock-crow I would be going for a “healthy” jog every day. I was driven by a strong determination to have a flat belly. I woke up early, the sun was still rising and except birds no one was chirping. The dawn was chilly but my resolve was brimming with vigor.
As I passed by a coconut water seller, my mind beeped “nothing can be healthier than coconut water!”. 

Though exhausted but nothing to do except slurping the sweet water, I set up a conversation with the coconut seller…

Me-Hey! Since when you are in this profession? (I stressed the last word purposefully)
The seller-It’s been 6 years I am selling these green pulpy pebbles.
Me-Oh great! And where do you see yourself after 2-3 years? (As if I was conducting an interview for a job in an MNC)
The seller (With a sheen in his eyes)-Right now I sell 20-25 coconuts in a day, in near future I want to expand my business to 50-60 odd coconuts.
Astounded by his answer, I paid him money for the wonderful treat and came back home. Still in a deep thought that-

“How can a person have such a limited demand from his life! “.


This is not the fault of that poor chap; it’s the education he hasn’t’ “imbibed”. Education plays an imperative role in your life. But due to lack of education, your “Attitude” is badly affected and your viewpoint towards your life and your career changes no bounds.

Knowledge always have deep roots!
Education is not just the academic qualification from a reputed school or a degree from a professional institute; it’s a blend of moral-social values and experience. This knowledge translates into wisdom, ensuring success. The knowledge creates a whole new outlook towards the future prospective, and the ripple effect in your attitude is immeasurable. Education ought to teach us not only how to make a living but also how to live and too with a positive attitude.

Education is imperative in life whatever you crave to be and moreover attitude comes as a gratuity with this knowledge.



Since it was a chilly morning and I was already exhausted from my first day jog and my thought, nothing could had better supplemented the calorie loss except mom made butter soaked omelet and ice-cold banana shake. But that little episode with the coconut water seller kept on gyrating in my head…
Experience speaks for itself


  1. Mrigank! Good that you have understood the difference between being educated and being literate!
    Keep up the control and jog everyday!

  2. thanks preeti :)
    But next time when you comment please leave ut id for that we can ctach up later somewhere :)
    Mrigank Singhal
    mine is

  3. Hi Mrigank,

    I am Preeti Sharma, taught you Biology in 8th and 10th.....was you class teacher in X-D
    My Id is

  4. OOps, I made a booboo :)..i thought someone else..
    I am really sorry Ma'am
    Ma'am vaise abhi ap hai kaha..U were the sole teacher whom I admired the more..the ebst teacher in my life jisse maine itna sab kuchh seekha..
    Thanks a lot ma'am
    With due respect I will continuye my jog..but your support is required so that more ideas of change can plunge in my mind
    Regards Mrigank

  5. sorry its best not ebst..the nervousness can be easily seen :)


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