Open Letter to Our Beloved Arvind Kejriwal Ji

Sir Arvind Kejriwal AKA AK49 by some
Hi AK49 Ji,

I took a long leave from writing, not because I got bored from it but, but got busy in watching those movies which you review. Today, fortunately (unfortunately for you and your fans) I got time after watching the shot movies, Kriti, which you recently reviewed and hence writing this letter on behalf of my fellow Delhiites. This letter will cover all the issues which a common man is facing now a days in Delhi.

Delhi was declared the capital of India some 60 odd years before my birth; so that I can proudly say I took birth in the capital of the 3rd largest economy and largest democratic country in the world. Delhi was also declared as the Union territory which has its own share of fun and frolics. I have heard multiple times (Once you are free from watching movies) that you want Delhi to have a complete Statehood and you have a strong “pseudo” idea about how statehood can actually help Delhi. I understand you a sentimental about the security of women (for which I have not seen anything substantial happening, except few CCTV cameras and lots of speeches), but sweetheart charity begins at home, so start doing something first and then ask for referendum (which again will waste hard earned money of taxpayer and it will be complete waste just like Delhi election 2 odd years back and the advertisements cost which you use against your Lord Narendra Modi).

India Lost the NSG deal but you were so pissed of that you didn’t realize that except 2-3 “states” (not UT :P) out of 48, all wanted India to be part of NSG and the reason behind why India didn’t get the membership for NSG, for which everyone is going hysterical. I think there is an advantage behind India not getting NSG membership and still not under NPT (which will talk about later, anyway you won’t understand).
I had written some articles on how to be productive and use time productively. Though I don’t recommend people to close down their Social media accounts, but I guess you have taken the usage to a whole new level of venting your anger on the Prime Minister of India, and hence deserve some respect. He represents my nation unlike you who doesn’t even have a state (See one more Pun :P ).

Stop using the people money to feed your personal vendetta and utilize this money for the things which you promised like water, good roads, electricity, health and education (your main agenda). I understand you did something regarding corruption, but after sometime it starts to look more of a gimmick then anything else.

For fucked up movie review we have a dedicated person on YouTube called Shri Shri 108 KRK Sir, please don’t eat up his job. Or else, if you want to pursue your “passion”, I recommend you to switch places, I guess he can be a better CM then you (He doesn’t come with false promises).

An Open Letter
Brother (Shit!), I request you to work for Delhi and not against BJP and Congress. Start doing Pranayam in the morning to channelize your energy for doing something good. I recommend you to follow Baba Ram Dev morning Yoga session (I mean, if you can wake up on time). Don’t prove Delhiites idiot in front of Mumbai guys (I know we like the competition) and don’t make Delhi-Bihar (C’mon it’s the capital of India for god sake). Your referendums, your speeches, your muffler, your odd even rules won’t solve the big issues, a proper executions of ideas and non myopic vision can make my Delhi a better place to live. Don’t be a media lover, be work addict. Stop asking for degrees and make Delhi’s education better. Stop implementing odd even rule and deep dive to find reason why Delhi is polluted. Stop addressing women and start addressing women’s issues. And yeah, stop tweeting for God sake.

Your Staunch Follower (Janta maaf nahi karegi :P)
Common Man (RK Laxman’s one)


  1. And you nailed it.. Wonderful read

    1. Hehehehe...
      Honored by your comment here...Thanks for reading!
      Keepr reading dear :)

  2. Bro you write very good article

    1. Glad that you liked my article. Thanks for reading :)


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