The Spiritual Rising

It all started when the angels fell and the devils descended on the planet, a altogether different amalgam was discovered.
The descend of  "the fallens"
The period of alchemy is rising again,again the discovery of methods to deem a metal into gold and rising is the day when the poor are on the verge of extinction and rich are enjoying their own mouth-melting delicacies and warmth of gold under their wandering pillows.
Life is in upheaval, the throne has been abicated well in advance to understand core of wisdom
Mr.Paulo Coelho might have a simple answer to not so simple "thinking" as he sparkles his wisdom in his "the alchemist" by saying that- "wisdom is only metal for god's spirituality"..
But where we live spirituality exist till the abalone's mother of pearl and scrutinizing more deeply I would say it lies in coveted donation box.
Though some of us will say its "aberrant" but for poor its the shortcut to mint money out of those kings of heaven..
They are happy to isolate the thought of money with spirituality but deep inside their mighty heart that something extra is required to solidify the life system..
Still the fight is going on "spiritualist and the alchemist" and it seems that spirituality is having a upper hand..lets see who leads the path to the throne of thrones..
But right now I am happy to isolate myself from this by resting myself deep under the surface of cold ganges O:


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