The great Indian Secularism
Disclaimer: This post is a work of total fiction with resemblance to any dead or alive is deliberate but still I don’t take any responsibility of hurt feelings. During the writing and proof reading no animal, organism, Tushhar Kapoor, Sajid Khan or other jokers were harmed, though I terribly wanted that. If jailed; you can meet me during the visitor’s hours and please come with food; pasta favoured over Chapattis. ************* Secularism-The life blood of Indian politics. If someone’s speech ends without the use of this word or Arnab Goswami’ show ends without this word being brought up by Meenakshi Lekhi and her gang; it’s an act of blasphemy and you can be forced to pursue your post graduation in Management from IIPM; number ONE in global exposure. Secularism’s seed was buried by the great King Akbar. He married queens of nearly three major religions to show how secular he was and tried every possible position of Kamasutra during the night to get his “religious” descen...